Behind the Veil: Dawn (Digital Download)

Behind the Veil: Dawn (Digital Download)


Circa 1996. This is a digital download of the album. For the best download experience, we recommend downloading the music onto your desktop or laptop computer.

We were created for His good pleasure and we exist to serve Him. It is by His design that we find our completeness and destiny in and through Him. "Behind the Veil" is a musical effort with a three fold purpose. To first bring glory and honor to God. Secondly, to provide a vehicle for the heart of the believer to connect with the heart of the Heavenly Father. And thirdly, to "teach and admonish..." I pray you will "fix your eyes..." on Him, and allow your spirit and His Spirit to enter into communion.

"Come let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. For He is our God." Psalm 95:6,7

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